Model Stories
Afzal Hussain
- Modesty
- To Greet
- Service to Parents
- Regard for Teachers
- Respect for Elders
- Love for Children
- Kindness to Animals
- How to teach 'Deen' to Elders?
- Service
- Neighbourliness
- Vengeance
- Confiding a Secrete
- Reffrain From Partaking of Propitiatory Offerings
- The Truth
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.), was but a child when a portion of the wall of the Ka’ba gave way. People were busy in rebuilding it. Children too were engaged in this job. They were carrying rocks over their shoulders and setting them in the wall. After a while, when their shoulders, started paining, each one of them removed the cloth over his waist, coiled it and placed it over his shoulders as a cushion. Thus they continued to carry the stones over their shoulders.
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) too carried the stones over his shoulders. And his shoulders too began to ache. His uncle, who was seeing the hardship his nephew under went, said to him, “Myson! You too unite your waist-cloth and coil it over your shoulders, so that the burden be less painful”.
In compliance with the advice of his uncle, the beloved prophet (p.b.u.h.) wanted to divest his waist-cloth, but was too modest to bear his nakedness. So sensitive was he in this matter that he swooned the moment he was bout to loosen his garment in accordance with his uncles advice. On observing his extreme bashfulness, the uncle regretted the plain caused to the Holy Prophet by his unscrupulous advice.
1. Why were the boys carrying the stones?
2. What did the people do when their shoulders were aching?
3. What happened when the uncle gave some orders to the Holy Prophet?
The answer to the Islamic salutation,’Assalam O Alaikum’ [peace be with (or upon) you] is, Wa Alaikum As-Salam’ [and with you (be) the peace, too]. Such mutual greeting begets love. Hadrat Abdullah, the son of the great Caliph, Hadrat Umar, was well aware of this fact. He used to observe that the Apostle of Allah greeted every big and small person he came across. He used to greet even the children whom he met on the way while they played about happily. How could Hadrat Abdullah miss the thing which the prophet (pbuh) was doing habitually? He too showed his utmost zeal in greeting others.
So much was Hadrat Abdullah impressed by the winsome mode of greeting of the Holy prophet (pbuh) that in later life he made it his practice to go to the bazaar, only to find an opportunity to greet people. He greeted every shop-keeper, every destitute person and every passerby whom he came across on the way.
One day a person asked him:
“Hadrat! Every day you come to the bazaar, but, you do not buy anything, nor you sit anywhere. Why do you come out at all, if one could know?
He said:”I come out only to greet the people.”
According to Hadrat Abdullah, visiting bazaar merely for the sake of greeting people was in no way less important than any purposeful visit to bazaar to make purchases.
He said: “I come out only to greet the people.”
According to Hadrat Abdullah, visiting bazaar merely for the sake of greeting people was in no way less important than any purposeful visit to bazaar.
- What was the purpose of Hadrat Abdullah in going to bazaar?
- What are the virtues of greetings?
- What are the etiquettes of greetings in Islam?
Hadrat Sharfuddin was revered as a man of great piety (May Allah’s Mercy be upon him). He respected his father and mother very much. He always obeyed them and showed his ever-readiness to be on attendance on them. It so happened that one day when he was yet a small child, his mother was resting on a bedstead and suddenly felt thirsty. She told her son: “My beloved son! I am feeling thirsty. Please get me a glass (katora) of water. “He ran to fetch some water. By the time he returned with a cup of water, he found his mother asleep. He was in a fix as to what to do then! If he awakened her she would be disturbed. He therefore thought it proper not to wake her up. With the cup of water in hand, he stood by her, thinking that any moment she might wake up and ask for water. At last his mother, woke up from sleep, and, to her amazement, saw her beloved son waiting with the glass of water in hand, all the night through.
The mother asked; “My son! Have you been waiting all this while?”
Yes dear Mother! I have been waiting, so that the moment you wake up I may offer you water you asked for, “the son replied.
His mother was immensely pleased when she heard the reply. She prayed unto Allah for the welfare of her noble son. Accordingly he grew in moral stature to be a great saint, in his later life.
1. Narrate this story in your own words.
2. What services do you render to your father and mother?
Haroon Al rashid was renowned king. He had two sons-Ameen and Mamun.
Once their teacher had to leave for some urgent work while giving lessons to the two pupils. Each of them wanted to bring the slippers of their teacher to him. The teacher asked them to bring one slipper each.
Haroon Al Rashid, on hearing this, was immensely pleased with his sons. He called and rewarded them richly. These very youngsters later on, became kings.
1. What service did both the princes render to their teacher?
2. What did the King do when he herd the story?
3. In what ways do you render service to your teacher?
One day Hadrat Abu Bakr and Hadrat Umar were seated by the side of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). He asked them, “What is the tree that resembles Muslims in excellence of virtue, bears fruits every year, and on which the autumnal wind never blows to make the leaves fall off?”
Both the esteemed wise men could not solve the riddle. Hadrat Abdullah, son of Hadrat Umar was also present there. The answer to this riddle at once flashed in his mind. It was the date-tree. But as his father and the other great revered man were silent, he thought it impudent on his part to speak it out, and thus remained quiet.
Later on, Hadrat Umar came to know that his son had the answer to the riddle. He said, “My son ! When you knew it why did you not speak out ? If you had revealed it at that time, I would have been immensely pleased. The riddle which no one could solve was guessed rightly by my little boy ”
Hadrat Abdullah said,”Dear father! How could I utter the answer to the riddle in your presence and that of Abu Bakr, specially when both of you were silent? I chose to remain quiet for fear of impudence to you.”
Hadrat Umar was extremely pleased with the answer of his wise son.
1. What was the dialogue between Hadrat Umar and his son?
2. Why was Hadrat Abdullah silent even after having rightly guessed the answer?
In the distant past men were sold in the bazaar like cattle. Once, some evil men caught a small boy and put him in the market for sale.
Bibi Khadija learnt about this and her heart was filled with sympathy for the child. She purchased him and brought him before the beloved Prophet (pbuh).
The beloved Apostle of Allah (pbuh) loved children very much. But this child particularly attracted his greatest attention because some evil men had separated him from his parents. Now, the only guardian of this child was the Prophet (pbuh). He engaged him in sweet and lovely talk. The child soon became familiar with him. The Prophet (pbuh) brought him up with tender love and care.
After a few days the real father got the news about the whereabouts of his child. Searching for his son he came to the (pbuh). He wanted to give to the prophet the amount paid by Bibi Khadija and take back his child. It was inconceivable that the beloved Prophet(pbuh) could ever accept money like that. He set the child free without accepting any money and said: “The child is free to go wherever he wants to.”
The beloved Apostle (pbuh) had nursed the child with tender care, taught him fine and virtuous things, and showered his affection on him. How could the child then leave him and go anywhere else? Where on earth could he find such a loveable person? He clung to him fast and was least prepared to go home with his parents. Ultimately the father was compelled to leave him and go away without him. Of course, the father felt inwardly happy that after all his son was being trained and brought up in a home which was far better than his own.
1. Why did the child not go with the parents? Ultimately, what thought pleased the father?
A companion of the Prophet (pbuh), came across a thicket during his journey. He heard some chirping of birds and discovered that the young ones of sparrows were squeaking. They were yet wingless chicks. Amused by the young ones of sparrows, he caught them and hid them in a sheet of cloth. He stepped out of the shrub and saw the mother-bird come with food in its beak for its young ones. The chickens were chirping from inside the coverlet, and mother-bird understood that the stranger had stealthily taken away her young ones. She became restless and started hovering over the head of the companion of the Prophet (pbuh). He took no notice of her frantic screechings. He straight came to the prophet (pbuh).
On seeing the young ones of the sparrow in the pangs of separation from their mother, the heart of the prophet (pbuh) was filled with deep compassion. He asked his companion: “Where did you find these young ones of sparrow?” Thereupon he narrated the whole story. The beloved Apostle of Allah (pbuh) was by nature highly compassionate. How could he tolerate the snatching away of young ones from their mother, causing distress and harassment to the mother, causing distress and harassment to the mother and its young ones? He said, “Go! Leave the young ones at the same place from where you brought them.”
The companion of the Prophet (pbuh) complied with the command of the Prophet (pbuh). He went and placed the chicks in the thicket from where he had stolen them.
1. How did the companion of the Prophet (pbuh) catch the young ones of the sparrow?
2. What orders did the Prophet (pbuh) give when he saw the young ones?
3. How should you behave with the animals?
4. Relate in detail if you have treated any animal kindly.
It is an event in the lives of Hadrat Hasan and Hadrat Hussain, when they were yet minors. A Bedouin visited their house. A villager’s roughness was evident in him. He did not know the correct way of ‘Wudhu’ (ablution).
It was time for ‘Namaz’ (prayer). The Bedouin sat down for performing ablution. He knew not the procedure. He fumbled and did it in a wrong way.
Both the boys noticed it. It was a matter of ‘Deen’ (way of life as ordained by Allah). It was necessary to object to a wrong practice. But the Bedouin was elder to them in age. To object to elders meant disrespect and impudence. Even the Bedouin could take it otherwise.
Finally they thought to demonstrate to him without letting him feel what they were up to. They took water in a jar and sat down to perform ablution. Very politely they told the Bedouin:
“Sir, ! We are both going to perform ablution. Observe us and tell us if we are doing it correctly or not. In case were are wrong anywhere, please point out to us.
Then both of them performed ablution its correct way. The Bedouin was observing them with close attention. He understood by himself as to what the correct way of ablution was.In this way, these sensible boys, though minor in age, taught an item of religion to an elderly person in a decent way, and the Bedouin did not take it ill too.
- In what way was the Bedouin performing ablution?
How did Hadrat Hasan and Hadrat Hussain explain to the Bedouin his mistakes? - hat should be the way to teach facts of religion to elders?
There have been many caliphs amongst Muslims whose eminence and stature is more towering than any of the present-day kings, ministers and generals. But they led very simple life and spent least on their own personal comforts.
One such Caliph was Hadrat Umar Abdul Aziz. He was the greatest servant of ‘Deen’ on one summer night he was reclining on a sofa. A maid-servant was waving a hand-fan. But she fell asleep incidentally. In the mean time he got up and saw her fall asleep. He picked up the fan from her hand and himself started fanning the maid-servant.
After a short while the maid-servant awoke. She felt much ashamed and perplexed when she found that the Caliph himself was fanning her. Seeing her in a perturbed state, the Caliph said:
"Why are you afraid? You too are a human being like me? When I was perturbed with the sweltering heat, you comforted me by fanning me. When you felt the heat, I waved the fan for you. What is wrong in it?”
1. Who was Hadrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz?
2. How did he behave with his maid-servant?
3. What did he say when that maid-servant felt perplexed?
The good companions of the beloved Prophet(pbuh) are called ‘Sahabas’ (the faithful companions). There was a companion of the Holy Prophet named Hadrat Abdullah. He was very pious and extremely obedient to Allah and His messenger (pbuh).
One day a goat was sacrificed in the house of Hadrat Abdullah. His next door neighbour was a Jew. By chance Hadrat Abdullah had gone out of the town that day. When he returned by evening, he asked his inmates:
“Did you send meat to our neighbour?”
“He is a Jew. Why should we send meat to him?” Was the curt reply of the inmates of his house.
“So what? If he happens to be Jew, how does it matter?” said Hadrat Abdullah: “He is, after all, our neighbour:
The Apostle of Allah (pbuh) had recurrently expressed:
“Be king to your neighbour ; it matters little whether he is a Jew or a Muslim.”
Then he did not eat the meat till it was sent to the Jewish neighbour.
1. Who is called a ‘Sahabi’?
2. Why did the members of his family not send the meat to their neighbour?
3. What did Hadrat Abdullah say?
4. What are the rights and obligations of neighbouts?
In a crusade Hadrat Ali had an encounter with an infidel. Hadrat Ali was known for his valour. The infidel was a champion too but could not match Hadrat Ali in bravery? At last in the encounter Hadrat Ali threw him on the ground and mounted on his chest. Hadrat Ali was about to unsheathe his sword and sever his neck, when the infidel spit on his face.
he moment he spat on his face, Hadrat Ali got off his chest and stood aside. He said: said:
“Go! You are free. Now I cannot kill you. A moment ago I was fighting for ‘Deen’(religion), exclusively. Now if I kill you, there would be an element of personal anger and vengeance in it. The sanctity of my noble cause to earn the exclusive pleasure of Allah would be lost. Very likely Allah may Punish me for my personal revenge. You have humiliated me. I do not want to have my vengeance on you. “It is not bravery but cowardice to shed someone’s blood out of personal ill-will.”
The infidel was much impressed with this magnanimous treatment and at once accepted Islam.
- Narrate this story of your own.
- Why did Hadrat Ali let off the infidel?
- What was the good effect of this magnanimous treatment?
Hadrat Anas was a great ‘Sahabi’ (companion of prophet). He was exceedingly noble and virtuous even from his very childhood. One day he was playing with other children of his age. The Apostle of Allah (pbuh) happened to pass by. He greeted the children. He called Hadrat Anas and sent him on some errand. By chance he was delayed in completing the assigned job. When he returned home, his mother asked him:
“Anas ! Where were you’ all this time?”
Hadrat Anas replied: “The Holy Prophet (pbuh) had sent me one urgent mission……”
The mother asked him as to what it was.
He said: “It is a secret.”
Then the mother said: “Look here, my son! Do not divulge his secret to any one.”
Hadrat Anas bofore this advice and never in life did he reveal the secret to any one.
Hadrat Thabit was his fast friend. One day he narrated this incident to him and said:
“Thabit! If I could divulge that secret to any one, surely I would have done it to you.”
- What did the mother of Hadrat Anas tell him?
- Who was Hadrat Thabit?
- What did he tell him and why?
One day the beloved Prophet(pbuh) got dates which were offered as a sacrifice to propitiate God. People often sent to the Prophet (pbuh)gifts which were propitiatory offerings, but he never partook of them neither for himself nor for the members of his family. In fact, he distributed all such offerings among the destitute.
The dates, once received, were not yet distributed were placed on the window-sill. Per chance Hadrat Hussain happened to come there. He did not even know that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) had forbidden the members of his family to partake of any such offerings. He was but a child. He climbed the window and took a date and put it into his mouth. When the Prophet saw this, he at once told him:
“My son! Throw it off. It is not permissible for us to partake of these propitiatory offerings.”
Hadrat Hussain took it out of his mouth and threw it away.
- What did the Prophet (pbuh) do with the propitiatory offerings?
- What did Hadrat Hussain do?
- Why did the Prophet (pbuh) ask Hadrat Hussain to throw away the date?
You might have heard from your mother the name of ‘Bade Peer Saheb’ (the great saint, Ghaus ‘Azam, Hadrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani . Jeelan was place of his birth, that is why, ‘Jeelani’ is suffixed to his name.
May Allah be Merciful on him! He was a great divine and a God-fearing person. He was yet a small child when his father passed away. Even when he was a child he loved reading and writing. He used to hear that there were erudite scholars of religion in
In those old days journey from one place to another was hazardous. They had either to walk on foot or ride on animal. There was lurking danger of loot and plunder on the way. So, the people used to go in caravans.
It was decided that he should accompany a caravan meant for
"My son! Never tell a lie, however great a misfortune may befall you, even if it be entailing a risk on your life.”
The caravan departed. He accompanied the caravan. They may have gone a distance not too far when their caravan was plundered. The bandits looted the entire caravan. One dacoit asked him:
“Do you have anything?”
“Yes, forty dinars”,-the boy said.
The dacoit saw the boy was too simply dressed to own such a bounty; at best he might be jesting. But the boy told even the other inquisitive members of the band the same thing. The leader of the dacoits then enquired,” Where are the dinars?”
“They are under my arm, sewn up in my dress.”
To his amazement the discovered the forty dinars on tearing open the dress. “Why did you so easily disclose the hidden treasure that you wanted to save from us?”
“My mother had advised me to speak truth in all circumstances”, the boy replied. “How could I betray my mother?”
The leader was impressed by the ideas of the boy. The boy cared so much for what his mother had told him whereas he himself was robbing people against the command of Allah and his Prophet (pbuh). The whole party of robbers became noble, gave away the looted property to their owners and asked forgiveness from Allah.
- What was the name of ‘Bade Peer Sahib’? Where did he belong to?
- Where did he want to go for studies? What happened on the way?
- What was the result of his speaking the truth?
1. Purdha
2. 'Zikr'(Rememberance of Allah)
6. Modesty
9. Patience
10. "Break not your oaths after you have taken confirmed them"
11. Truthfulness
12. Cartities of manifold increase:
To the Beloved Daughters
Dear daughters!
You may have seen necklaces of various sorts.They may be of silver or gold, studded or simple, small or large, real or artificial. Their glamour and glitter will all the same enchant you to possess one for yourself! But just think for a while!
These necklaces are such that their glitter vanishes or fades away after a while. Most of them turn out to be artificial. There is always the fear of breakage, loss or robbery, even at the risk of injury or loss of life.
I have prepared for you a necklace of such beauty that its pearls are genuine and highly precious. Its glamour is more enduring. You adorn yourself with it. You will then be the sparkling jem in the eyes of all.
And what is more, it will be a boon to you in the Hereafter.
1. Purdah
The most precious ornament for girls is their modesty (bashfulness). Prudent girls always preserve this ornament with great care. They know that its loss would disgrace them in the eyes of all. The more they protect it the more shall they be honoured and dignified.
Observance of Purdah is the best way of protecting their modesty. Thereby they will neither come in public view nor will their modesty b e outraged. That is why good daughters keep themselves off from the sight of strangers.
Strangers are after all strangers. They keep themselves secluded even from their kith and kin. They do not even come in the presence of their father and brother attired in such thin dress which they suspect might reveal their person.
That way, amongst the virtuous ladies, innumerable are those who take particular care in this respect, but the case of Bibi Ayishah is unique and exemplary in this respect.
On one occasion a blind man came to her with certain problems concerning ‘Deen’
(way of life as ordained by Allah). She was well versed with all matters concerning ‘Deen’ and the precepts of the Prophets. And why not? She was the most beloved wife of the Prophet. Many stalwart companions came to her to learn portion of ‘Deen’ (knowledge of religion) from her. She had sanction from the Prophet to impart such knowledge. Well, when this blind man arrived there, she observed Purdah before him. Over this, surprisingly he at once asked her: “Why do you observed Purdah when I cannot see you?” Bibi Ayishah replied: “You may not see me, but I can all the same see you.”
What she said was reasonable and the man had to keep quiet.
One more event in her life proves her extreme caution in the matter of observance of Purdah:
The beloved Prophet and Hadrat Abu Bakr (RAZ) were buried in the same chamber. In this chamber, there was space for one more burial, which Bibi Ayishah had reserved for herself, but later on, when Hadrat Umar (RAZ) begged permission from her to be buried by the side of the Prophet, she agreed to give Umar (RAZ) precedence over herself. On his martyrdom, Hadrat Umar was thus buried there only. Of the first two graves, one was that of her husband, and another, that of her father. But after the burial of Hadrat Umar, she never entered the chamber unveiled.
So far as she herself was concerned, in boundless degree was her regard for the observance of Purdah.
Once her niece came before her donning a thin wrapper over her head and chest.
Seeing her in this state Bibi Ayishah was much enraged and instantly tore off the wrapper. She then sent for a wrapper of coarse cloth and made her to wear it.
Once Bibi Ayishah went as guest in some one’s house. There she observed some young women were offering prayers without wrapper over their head and shoulders. Very sternly she stopped them from doing so, and told them:
“In future no girl shall offer Namaz (prayer) without putting on wrapper.”
1.Who was Bibi Ayishah (RAZ)
2.Why did she observe Purdah before a blind man?
3.Why did she tear off the wrapper of her niece?
4.“The most precious ornament for girls is their modesty.” How?
2. (Zikr), Remembrance of Allah
There is great blessing in the name of ALLAH. That is why we commence all our (good) works in the name of Allah. It is the regular practice of the pious slaves of Allah that they remember Allah most while standing or sitting and thay hymn praise of Allah every moment of their life. They gain immense benefit out of it. Allah is pleased with them and He grants them myriad bounties. Secondly, the more we remember His Excellences, the more we strive ourselves to be good, so that we may be reckoned as His chosen slaves.
There lived in our country a great noble man. His name was Maulana Ilias. He passed away only a few years ago. He was exceedingly pious and God-fearing. All the while his absorbing thought was to incline people to make them learn and to disseminatge the knowledge of religion to others.
Mewat is a city in close proximity to
The mother, under whose sweet and tender care, this noble man was nursed and brought up was also an exceedingly pious lady. She knew the whole Quran by heart. People always found her engaged either in recitation of the Quran, or she was with rosary in hnand in then act of praising Allah. She knew the Quran by heart so well that while she performed the household duties, she also recited the Quran.
It was her practice to recite daily more than four ‘Paras’ thirtieth path) of the Quran. Beside this she made following ‘Zikr’ (remembrance of Allah):
‘Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Rahim’ (In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful)…1900 times daily.
‘Subhana Allahe, Al-hamdu Lillahi’ (Glory be to Allah and Praise be to Allah)…200 times each.
‘La Ilaha Ill-Allahu , Allahu Akbar’ (There is no diety save Allah, Allah is the Greatest of all) …200 times each.
‘Hasbunallahu wa Ni-mal-Wakiil’ (Allah is sufficient for us! Most Excellent is He in Whom we trust)! …100 times.
‘Laa -‘ ilaaha illa’ Anta Subhaanaka ‘innii kuntu minaz-zaalimiin’ (There is no God save Thee. Be Thou glorified! Lo! I have been a wrong-doer) …100 times.
‘Ya-Hayyu Ya-Qayyumu’ (O Allah! The Living, the Eternal!) …200 times.
‘Allajumma Salle ‘Ala Muhammadin wa barik wa sallim.’ (Oh Allah! Shower Thy Mercy on Muhammad, and shower Thy Blessings and Peace on him) …5000 times.
And many other ‘Zikr’ (remembrances) and ‘Azkar’ (praises of Allah) she used to recite a multiple times. All this was besides and in addition to the attendance of household duties, which she herself performed. She found time to do all these because , unlike ordinary women, she never wasted her precious time in useless idle talk.
Every year in the month of Ramazan she used to complete the reading of the Quran forty times. No wonder that the great Maulana Ilyas was nursed and brought up in the lap of such a pious lady.
1. Who was Maulana Ilyas?
2. Where is the region of Mewat? What was the state of Muslims there?
3. What favour did Maulana confer on them?
4. What do you know about the mother of Maulana?
5. What all remembrances and praises of Allah did she recite, and how many times was each recitation?
6.What was her practice in the recitation of the Quran?
Hadrath Shu’eb was a very renowned Prophet of Allah.
Allah had raised him to reform the speople of Mada’in.
He had grown very old and infirm and had lost his eyes.
He was not blessed with son, but had only two daughters. These two girls performed all the household duties and earned livelihood for themselves as well as for their parents. There was a goat-herd in their house. Both the girls used to take the goat-herd to pasture-land for grazing, and after taking them to the pond for water, they would return theikr weary way home.
ne day it so happened that the two daughters had taken their goat-herd to the pond. At this time other shepherds were taking out water from the pond for their cattle. These two girls were extremely coy and bashful. They stood aside with their goat-herd. Just then a stranger noticed them. He approached them and enquired from them the reason of their waiting. The girls said: “In our house there is no male member. Our father is an old and blind man. We two sisters take the goats for pasturage. When all the herdsmen finish giving water to their cattle and leave the pond, then we take our goat-herd for water.” The stranger took pity on them and extended help to them. He drew water and made the goats drink. The girls returned home with their goats and narrated the whole story to their blind father.
Hadrath Shu’eb sent for the stranger. The elder daughter, Safoora, bashfully went and called the stranger. On their reaching home, it came to be known that he was Hadrath Musa (PBUH), who had given a fatal blow to a tyrant of Pharaoh, as he had intuition that he might turn out to be a tyrant. On hiks death he fled from there lest some one might kill him.
Having heard his case, Hadrath shu’eb consoled Hadrath Musa (PBUH) and wished to give his elder daughter, Bibi Safoora, in marriage to him on this condition that he should graze his goat-herd for a period of at least eight to ten years. Hadrath Musa (PBUH) gave his consent to this. In this way, Bibi Safoora was pleased to accept as her Mehar (Dower), service to parents, in place of ornaments or money.
1. Who was Hadrath Shu’eb (PBUH)?
2. How was his meeting with Hadrath Musa (PBUH) brought about?
3. On what condition the ‘Nikah’ of Bibi Safoora took place?
4. How did the daughters of Hadrath Shu’eb (PBUH) serve him?
The love of sisters and brothers for one another is well known. They are nursed, caressed and brought up in the same lap. They always spend their childhood together , while standing or sitting , playing about or indulging in frolicsome activities. They even share their meals together. All these activities strengthen their union and inspire them to live in amity and love, and to co-operate in one another’s difficulties. This childhood friendship is enduring throughout their lives and whnen occasion arises they are inspired to sacrifice their life and all to an amazing degree.
There is the story of one such sistyer named Khola. She had great affection for her brother, Zarrar. On one occasion Zarrar was fighting with the enemy. While in action in the battle-field he received a deep wound and in this state he was captured by the enemy.
Hadrath Khola became restless when she came to know about her brother’s capture. The renowned Muslim army commander, Hadrath Khalid, set out with an army of one thousand soldiers to rescue him. Even Bibi Khola equipped herself with arms and rode on fastest speeding horse-back to provide help to her brother.
Bibi Khola had covered her body fully. Except her eyes no part of her body was visible, as such she scould not be recognised by anybody. When people saw a fast speeding rider going past them, they stirred up their horses to reach him and have a close view of the person, but Bibi Khola was speeding faster and faster tilll she encountered the army of the enemy. Furious fight ensued. Like lightning, Bibi Khola rushed in, headlong in the enemy camp, and with a sweep of her sword started cutting off their heads. The Muslim army was wonderstruck as to who this cavalryman could be, who is fighting so valiantly at the risk of his life. The battle ended. Success crowned the Muslim army. The enemy was either killed or they fled from the field.
Now, on enquiry , Khalid (RAZ) came to know that this speeding rider was Bibi Khola, who was restive in her mad love for her brother, to extricate him from the enemy clutches. At last they defeated the enemy and Hadrath Zarrar was released.
There are many more brave deeds like these.
Sometimes, when the brother is surrounded in difficulties, the sister comes to his rescue, even at the cost of risking her own life, and at other times, it is the brother who rescues a sister who is caught in the enemy clutches. And in these acts of gallantry neither Bibi Khola, nor Hadrath Zarrar ever cared for their lives.
Allah is Most Beneficent. He provides sustenance to all His obendient slaves as well as disobedient slaves. Because He is Himself Benevolent, He likes only those who spend in the name of Allah generously and whole heartedly. Miserliness He abhors.
Those ladies who profess their love for Allah and hymn His praise, are really very generous. But Bibi Ayishah excels them all in this respect. Whatever she used to get, she used to give it all in the way of Allah, even before darkness enveloped.
On one occasion a companion of the Prophet came to her. She told him: “If I had ten thousand Dirhams with me, I would have given them all to you.”
Accidentally, very same day some amount came to her. She at once sent for that companion and gave him ten thousand Dirhams.
On yet another occasion, her nephew, Hadrath Abdullah (RAZ) sent her one lac Dirhams. That day she was fasting. Instantly , even without counting, she distributed the entire amount, in basketfuls to the needy. Out of this she never kept aside anything for her ‘Iftar’ (breaking the fast).
One day she was fasting. There was nothing in the house except a crumb of bread. Accidentally a beggar came and asked for alms. She gave that only crumb of bread to him.
Once she distributed seventy thousand Dirhams in charity, whereas, her own state was that she was in tattered and patched clothes.
After all, she was the worthy daughter of such a worthy father, who had sacrificed his entire wealth and property most ungrudgingly in the way of Allah. And whenever he was asked, as to what he has left over for his children, he would say: “Love of Allah and His Messenger! And this suffices us.”
1. Allah is pleased with whom?
2. What were the virtues in Bibi Ayishah?
3.What are the famous incidents relating to her magnanimity?
Virtuous bondswomen are exceedingly modest and indignant. Allah forbid! If there is any assault on their dignity or chastity, they risk their lives to save their honour.
You may have heard the name of a Muslim country which is named as
On one occasion, the army of the enemy attacked one town in
“I will make you my wife.”
What an irony of fate! Just a moment ago he had brutally killed her new-born child, whose body smeared in blood was still lying before her. In spite of all this atrocity she bore it with patience, but when she heard this ugly talk, in her indignance, she became ferocious. This assault on her honour was no longer bearable to her. Yet shed swallowed the insult and kept quiet, waiting for a chance to strike. By chance, the armyman felt the need to go for nature’s call. He removed his military dress and weapons and placed them on the ground, and went away to attend nature’s call. The woman took hold of the weapons, and no sooner did the armyman enter the house, than she made a lightning attack on him and killed him. In this way she protected her honour.
1.Where is
2. Why did the enemy attack
3.What treatment did they mete out to women and children?
4.How did the Turkish woman protect her honour and dignity?
Hadrath Hamza (RAZ) was the uncle of our beloved Prophet (PBUH). He was very powerful and brave. Many stalwart brave men used to tremble when they heard the name of Hadrath Hamza (RAZ). He had one sister, named Bibi Safia (RAZ). She was the aunt of our beloved Prophed (PBUH) . Like her brother, Bibi Safia (RAZ) was also very brave and bold.
It is related, once the infidels of Makka attacked
Our beloved Prophet collected all the male members and set out to combat the enemy. The women-folk and children, he put them in a fortress under the care of some companion. Thinking these ladies to be in an unprotected state the Jews sent a contingent encircled the fortress and camped there, and they sent their spy to ascertain if the ladies were really alone and protectionless. Bibi Safia (RAZ) noticed this spy from the Jews camp and informed the person who was in charge of them to attack him. But that gentleman sat down idle and motionless, saying : “If I had so much of courage, why would I have been amongst the fold of women like this? Would not I have gone to the battle field to fight the enemy? Quite disappointed at the cowardice of this man, Bibi Safia herself took hold of a bamboo stick and hit the enemy’s spy with such force that it broke his head and he died on the spot.
Now she again went to the guard and told him:
“I have finished him, but he is a man how can I touch his body? You better go and sever his head and throw it out side the fortress wall on the side where the army is standing, so that they may flee from the field, sensing danger from inside.”
But this coward man could not do even as much. At last she was compelled to go there herself and after beheading him threw the head of their companion spy, they understood that there were men also in the fortress. Hence out of fear they all took to heels.
8. Steadfastness
You may have heard the name of Maulana Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi. He was an eminent Islamic scholar of his time . He died about ten years ago. Allah had blessed him with great power of understanding. He had a great attachment with Islam and was constantly thinking of how to make the ‘Deen’ (the way of life as ordained by Allah)---Islam---prevail over the whole of Allah’s earth and how to make people follow the straight path as shown by Allah through Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
As he invited people to the same straight path to which all the Prophets of Allah and their true followers in different countries and times had invited and which was shown in its final and complete form by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) , his call was res[pmded to by many people. Gradually many people in many countries agreed with him. He formed an organization of likeminded people which is given to making efforts at establishing Allah’s ‘Deen’ in the world.
However, what Maulana Maududi and his organization stood for was not liked by those who wanted the people to follow their own wishes and who thought that power in their hands was not given to them by Allah as a trust but they had it in their own right and can use it in whichever way they liked. Therefore they created difficulties for him and leveled false and fabricated accusations against him. But Maulana Maududi was so lfirm in his belief and steadfast in his faith that he was not allworried but continued with his mission undauntedly. His opponents finally went to the extent that they im plicated him in a false case and sentenced him in a false case and sentenced hnim to be jamged at the gallows.
The horrible news spread like wild-fire in the whole world and every Islam-loving person everywhere was shocked to hear it. But Maulana Maududi slept calmly in his prison cell with the satisfaction that Allah had accepted his efforts for which He had awarded him with martyrdom.
But that was not the case with thousands and thousands of other good Muslims who felt deeply concerned and perturbed over the news. They thought what after all his crime? Is giving the call to Allah’s path is a heinous crime in a Muslim country? Has the world degraded so much that it cannot bear such noble people who invite people to righteousness in all sincerity without expecting any reward other than Allah’s pleasure?
The horrible news reached Maulana’s wife also. How distressed she would have felt can well be imagined. But the fortitude showed by the courageous lady deserves all praise. She was in agony but only for a while, then she became calm thinking that if Maulana Saheb’s life was required for keeping aloft Allah’s ‘Deen’ then she should submit to the will of Allah. But if Allah wanted to keep him alive then no power on earth can do the slightest harm to him.
Allah so rewarded his patience and fortitude that very soon there came the news on the radio that the death sentence against him had been withdrawn. Maulana Maududi was released from jail and rejoined his wife and children and friends in glory and continued with his mission of keeping aloft the flag of Islam with added vigour and zeal.
9. Patience
‘Although patience is bitter, it has sweet fruits.’
This is indeed a truth. Those daughters who have faith in this reality, relish its deliciousness.
Just think it for yourself! Breathes there the man who has no sorrow or pain in life ? Death visits every house. There is loss of life and property. Sometimes, accidentally, your house or property is on fire, you suffer loss in business, your crops fails, your things are stolen or lost through negligence. Obviously, there is no use wailing and crying over these losses which are not going to return to you. Unnecessarily you will either waste your time or shatter your health due to despair and disappointment. In such difficult or unpleasant situations from which escape seems difficult, if only this realization dawns on you that whatever we have is in fact given to us or trust from Allah, who is Most Merciful and Kind. So long as a thing is usedful or necessary, He allows it to remain with us, otherwise He takes back the things He has given to us in shock or sorrow would cause you the least perplexity. And if you recite:
“Ah! We all belong to Allah, and to Him shall we return.” Your mind and heart shall gain calm composure and you shall be well satisfied, and in lieu of it Allah will bestow on you greater Bounties from His limitless Treasure.
In the Islamic fold there have been many virtuous ladies, each excelling the other in forbearance and gratitude to Allah. Allah had granted them the sweetest reward for their patience.
“And with Allah is the fairest of rewards.” (III:195)
Amongst these ladies was one Bibi Umm Salim. Her husband’s name was Abu Talha (RAZ). Hadrath Abu Talha (RAZ) was the faithful companion of our beloved Prophet (PBUH). Bibi Umm Salim had a sweet and lovely child. He was the darling of the parents. Even the Prophet himself used to visit their house at times. He used to talk to this child and share his joy and merriment.
On one occasion this child fell seriously ill. His condition became day by day precarious. One day on some urgent mission, Abu Talha (RAZ) had to go out. Accidentally the child expired on that very day. The mother felt extreme discomfort. And why should she not be grieved? It was the lobe of her heart, yet this forbearing lady recited ‘Inna Lillahe’, and bore the loss with a heavy heart. She warned all the members of the house not to break this sad news before her husband when he returns. She wrapped the dead body in a piece of cloth and keeping it aside, began to attend to her household work.
Hadrath Abu Talha (RAZ) returned. He enquired about the child’s welfare. She replied him in a round about way. The husband took his meals with satisfaction. When he had his fill and rest, she said:
“Well my dear! If some one borrows a thing from some body and the owner then claims it, then what should be done?”
Husband : “whoever’s thing it is, should be returned to him with pleasure.”
Wife : “Then have patience. Our beloved child, who was trust from Allah, has been taken back by him.”
The husband too was no ordinary person but a Companion. He too showed forbearance. Next day he presented himself before the Prophet and narrated the whole story. The Prophet was much impressed with the patience of both husband and wife. He prayed unto Allah in their favour. A few days later, one more child was born to the same Abu Talha (RAZ). They named him Abdullah. This Abdullah, when he grew up, became the most erudite man of learning and knowledge, and the one who practiced what he preached, who illumined the name of his illustrious parents. Allah rewarded richly his mother for her patience and fortitude. Quite true! The fruit of patience is very sweet.
1.Who was Bibi Umm Salim (RAZ)?
2.On the death of her child, what did she do?
3.What was the fruit of patience which Allah granted to Bibi Umm Salim?
10. Break Not Your Oaths After
You Have Taken Them
Repeated swearing is a bad habit, and to abjure it is still worse. In this way, one who takes oaths (repeatedly) Loses his credit. There is expiation of breaking the solemn oaths you have taken. Virtuous daughters do not take oath normally, but if at all they do, they take particular care to honour it.
Hadrath Abdullah (RAZ) was the nephew of Bibi Ayishah (RAZ) . He was nursed and brought up in her care. Hadrat Abdullah (RAZ) honoured her in the likeness of mother and his behaviour with her was affectionate. As for Bibi Ayishah (RAZ), you know very well how magnanimous she was. At the cost of trouble to herself, whatever she used to get, she used to distribute it all amongst the poor. Hadrat Abdullah grieved much at the self-inflicted difficulties of his aunt. At last Hadrat Abdullah opened out his heart and said : “Somehow the (generous) hand of my aunt should be held back. So much of generosity is no good that she should starve herself and give away all her wealth in charity to others”. When Hadrath Ayishah (RAZ) came to know of it, she got angry at him and vowed not to speak with him any more. Hadrat Abdullah (RAZ) felt sorry for his aunt’s overwhelming anger. He sought indirect recommendations from many persons for being forgiven for his utterance, but Bibi Ayishah turned away all of them on the pretext that she had taken a solemn vow. The perplexed Hadrath Abdullah then took respectable persons from the maternal grandfather’s family and presented himself before her. Bibi Ayishah was talking to them from behind the curtain. Hadrath Abdullah made sudden dramatic entry into the chamber, clung to her and wept bitterly entreating her to pardon. The two mediators also reminded her of the Prophet’s commands in respect of not speaking with others. The prophet has said: “It does not behoove a Muslim not to speak with brother Muslim for more than three days.” Hearing this command of the Prophet, Bibi Ayishah started to talk with him. But in expiation of this sin (of breaking oath) she kept on setting free many slaves; so much so that forty slaves were set free. With all this, whenever she remembered about the breaking of her oath she would burst forth in profuse weeping, so much so that her wrapper used to be drenched in tears.
1. Why was Bibi Ayishah (RAZ) enraged on her nephew?
2. What efforts did Abdullah (RAZ) make to persuade her?
3.How did Bibi Ayishah (RAZ) start speaking with her nephew?
11. Truthfulness
It is Allah Who has created all.
He is the Supreme Creator and Lord of the Universe.
It is He Who provides food for all. Therefore all are His slaves. He is the Sovereign
Lord of all.Very vast is the
tiny spot in His vast Universe. He has sent Prophets to guide us and to tell us that on His
Earth, only His Command should be obeyed. “Allah mankind should accept Me as their
Sovereign and spend their life according to My Will and pleasure.”
The four (Rightly Guided) Caliphs knew this truth very well. Therefore they not only obeyed His Command, both in words and deeds, but also made all Muslims to do the same. But after them, in imitation of the ignorant communities, amongst Muslims too the system of kingship came in vogue. Now they themselves became the kings instead of acknowledging the Sovereignty of Allah. They forced the ignorant public to follow their way of life. They began to consider ‘Baitu’l Ma’l’ (Public Treasury) as their own property instead of considering jit as public property and they began to squander it for their own comforts and luxuries. On important government posts they began to appoint their kith and kin, and friends even if they were totally useless and lacked any merit. Thus principles of justice and fair-play were thrown to the winds and the common public was harassed and oppressed to an extreme degree. By rebelling against the laws of Allah, they were not only destroying themselves but the poor people too. Those helpless but well intentioned people who tried to prevent them from following the path of destruction, and objected to their wrong acts, instead of being obliged to them, these atrocious people considered them as their enemies and used to kill them by leveling false allegations against them. In every age, Allah alone knows how many virtuous slaves of Allah have been done to death, and the ‘Ummah’ (community) deprived of its best cream of Allah’s servants by these cruel men.
Yet, Praise be to Allah, that in every age there have been births of holy men, who obstructed these cruel men on the spot, even at the cost of their own life and property. Leave alone men, even the women boldly stood up to them.
You know Hadrat Abdullah, the nephew of Bibi Ayishah (RAZ). He was the son of Bibi Asma (RAZ). After the four Rightly Guided Caliphs, when the system of kingship gained currency amongst the Muslims, he was one amongst those who opposed it. He struggled hard and restored Caliphate in
“My son was not a heretic. He was exceedingly pious, given to Divine Adoration, and
he was obedient to his mother. I had heard the Prophet say that in our clan two ‘Dajjals’ would be born, of them, the second would be worse than the first. So, the one has passed away, and the second is yourself.” Hajjaj, as she stood by, became speechless when he heard this reply. He hung down his head in full shame and departed from there. On reaching his camp he sent word:
“So long as Bibi Asma does not come begging for the corpse it shall remain hanging as it is.”
When she heard this, she said:
“Has that hour not yet come that the rider dismounts?”
When Hajjaj heard this reply, he got the corpse down and then it was buried.
1. Who was Bibi Asma (RAZ)?
2. What do you know about Hadrath Abdullah (RAZ)?
3. What treatment did Hajjaj mete out to him?
4. What was the talk of Hajjaj with Bibi Asma (RAZ)?
12. Charities of Manifold Increase
Haroon Al-Rashid was a renowned Muslim King. His wife’s name was Zubeida. From childhood itself she was intelligent. Hergrand-father, Mansur, showered great affection on his grand-daughter and never liked to part with her.
Zubeida showed great interest in public utility works. She got bridges built in her country at various places. She arranged digging of wells and construction of inns at many places for the comfort of the travelers.
In Arabic there is great scarcity of water. These days, at least to some extent, arrangements have been made0, but in the period of Zubeida, under Haroon Al-Rashid’s rule, the Hajis experienced great hardship for water. Once she herself went to perform Hajj. Accidentally, that year there was much more scarcity of water. One leather water-carrier filled with water cost one Ashrafi. When Zubeida saw this state of affairs she felt greatly pained.
Her heart leaped out in sympathy for them and she decided to relieve them from this hardship. The first thing she did was the cleaning of the well of ‘Zam Zam’, whereby the Makkans felt great relief. Thereafter, on the way from Makka to Madina, wherever the caravans of Hajis halted, she arranged digging of wells and construction of rest houses for them.
Zubeida did not rest content at that. She wanted to make such lasting arrangements that the Makkans could get water constantly. She called for expert engineers and sought their advice. After a creful on-the-spot study they gave their opinion that at a distance of about fifty miles from Makka there is a fountain-head from where, by digging canal, water could be supplied to Makka. But digging canal was not an easy job. On the way there was a big range of hills which will have to be hewn to make way for the canal. This entailed lot of labour and high cost.
Zubeida said: “You do not worry at all about expenses. Even if a single stroke of pickaxe were to cost one Ashrafi, I would most willingly pay for it.”
The moment the Queen issued the orders, the work was commenced. After continuous toil for well over three years at a cost of one lac Ashrafi, the canal work was completed. When the engineers presented to her the account of expenditure, Zubeida threw away all the papers in the rivers, saying:
“Where is the need of account for us? We did all this for the sole pleasure of Allah. Whatever amount is due from us take it. If you owe anything to us, it is waived off.”
Even today, in Makka and its vicinity, there is the ‘
During the span of these over twelve centuries, whoever may have benefited from it, must have spontaneously prayed to Allah to shower His choicest blessings on Zubeida.
A Wise Young Boy
Many years ago, during the time of the Taabi'een (the generation of Muslims after the Sahabah),
The Khalifah gathered together all the scholars of the city and the Roman messenger climbed upon a high platform and said, "I have come with three questions. If you answer them, then I will leave with you a great amount of wealth which I have brought from the king of
As for the questions, they were:
'What was there before Allah?'
'In which direction does Allah face?'
'What is Allah engaged in at this moment?'"
The great assembly of people were silent. (Can you think of answers to these questions?) In the midst of these brilliant scholars and students of Islam, there was a man looking on with his young son. "O my dear father! I will answer him and silence him!" said the youth.
So the boy sought the permission of the Khalifah to give the answers and he was given the permission to do so.
The Roman addressed the young Muslim and repeated his first question, "What was there before Allah?" The boy asked, "Do you know how to count?"
"Yes," said the man.
"Then count down from ten!" So the Roman counted down, "ten, nine, eight, ..." until he reached "one" and he stopped counting. "But what comes before 'one'?" asked the boy.
"There is nothing before one- that is it!" said the man. "Well then, if there obviously is nothing before the arithmetic 'one', then how do you expect that there should be anything before the 'One' who is Absolute truth, All-Eternal, Everlasting the First, the Last, the Manifest, the Hidden?"
Now the man was surprised by this direct answer which he could not dispute.
So he asked, "Then tell me, in which direction is Allah facing?"
"Bring a candle and light it," said the boy, "and tell me in which direction the flame is facing."
"But the flame is just light- it spreads in each of the four directions, North, South, East and West. It does not face any one direction only," said the man in wonderment.
The boy cried, "Then if this physical light spreads in all four directions such that you cannot tell me which way it faces, then what do you expect of the Nur-us-Samawati-wal-'Ard: Allah - the Light of the Heavens and the Earth!? Light upon Light, Allah faces all directions at all times."
The Roman was stupefied and astounded that here was a young child answering his challenges in such a way that he could not argue against the proofs.
So, he desperately wanted to try his final question. But before doing so, the boy said, "Wait! You are the one who is asking the questions and I am the one who is giving the answers to these challenges. It is only fair that you should come down to where I am standing and that I should go up where you are right now, in order that the answers may be heard as clearly as the questions.
"This seemed reasonable to the Roman, so he came down from where he was standing and the boy ascended the platform. Then the man repeated his final challenge, "Tell me, what is Allah doing at this moment?" The boy proudly answered, "At this moment, when Allah found upon this high platform a liar and mocker of Islam, He caused him to descend and brought him low. And as for the one who believed in the Oneness of Allah, He raised him up and established the Truth. Every day He exercises (universal) power (Surah 55 ar-Rahman, Verse 29)."
The Roman had nothing to say except to leave and return back to his country, defeated. Meanwhile, this young boy grew up to become one of the most famous scholars of Islam. Allah, the Exalted, blessed him with special wisdom and knowledge of the Deen (religion). His name was Abu Hanifah (rahmatullah alayhi- May Allah have mercy on him) and he is known today as Imam Abu Hanifah (Imam-e-Azam), the Great Imam and scholar of Islam.
Once president BUSH went to a school to interact with them. After have
one brief talk with the children he asked them if they have any
question to ask him.
One boy raised his hand and stood up;
Bush: whats your name
John: john
Bush: whats you question
Johm: sir I have three questions
1) why did America attack iraq without the approval of UNO
2) where is osama
3) why do America support Pakistan so much
bush: you are an intelligent student john….(just then the bell for
recess rang)
oh dear students we will continue after the recess is over.
After the recess
Bush: ok children where were we? Yes, so anybody wants to ask any
Peter raises his hand
Bush :Whats your name?
Peter : sir I have 5 questions.
1) why did America attack iraq without the approval of UNO
2) where is osama
3) why do America support Pakistan so much
4) why did recess bell ring 20 mins before the scheduled time
5) where is JOHN?
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